Child Health

Families First

The Families First Programme is funded by government and local organisations, to work with St Helens families to overcome difficulties and make positive changes. They will work with you to solve problems and make sure you get the right help, from the right people, at the right time.


Healthy Eating

Their fun, friendly Cook and Taste sessions encourage you and your family to taste new foods, learn cookery skills and make tasty healthy meals on a budget. Sessions are free. Fit4All early years to support families with healthy eating and active play for children age 1-4 years, hints, tips and advice on fussy eating and eating well.

Telephone: 01744 371 111



Oral Health

Advice and support on how to keep your family’s mouth and teeth healthy.

Telephone: 01744 371 111



Childhood illness visual guide

Use this visual guide to help you identify common conditions and illnesses that may affect your child. Includes conditions such as measles, slapped cheek syndrome, chicken pox and warts.

Website: – Infectious illnesses in children

Alder Hey Children's Hospital

As one of Europe’s biggest and busiest children’s hospitals, they treat everything from common illnesses to highly complex and specialist conditions.

Telephone: 01512 284811


Infant Feeding

Supporting mums and families with all aspects of infant feeding. They offer text message and phone support as well as home visits and Baby Café meet ups with a cuppa. For older babies we have community events for weaning advice, hints, tips and recipes.

Telephone: 01744 371 111



Child Health information

Please see these child health advice leaflets.

In an emergency please call 999.

Vaccination planner

Download a personalised vaccination calendar, which highlights the dates your child needs to have their vaccinations by.

Website: – NHS vaccinations and when to have them